Sunday, December 5, 2010

There they practiced by hunting leaves and everything else which moved, grasshoppers, moths and snails. However, the grasshopper was too quick. He jumped on top of Wonder and called out victoriously: 'I have caught you!' Her brothers and sisters were very amused. Her mother sighed and shook her head. All the other kittens had caught something by then. Except Wonder. She enjoyed chasing the moths. But she always retracted her nails when she jumped at a moth, a butterfly or beetle. For our wilful kitten had resolved never to hurt another animal. It really bothered her mother. 
'If you continue like this, you will get into trouble,' she spoke concerned. 'Child, don't be so stubborn. Look at the good life people give us. It isn't asking to much to be willing to keep their homes free of mice, then, isn't it?

'But I find it scary to kill something,' the kitten answered. 'It also seems very distasteful to me. I don't want any squirming squeaking little critter in my mouth.' No matter what her mother said, she refused to maul any animal. The other kittens tried to appear as fierce and dangerous as possible to each other. They started teasing her more and more. They thought she was a scaredy-cat and called her 'mouse'. The kitten could not explain it, but she knew she was not afraid. She only felt it was not appropriate to hurt other animals. Of course they played wild games with each other, in which they sometimes hurt each other. But that was play. No, animals were not meant to be caught. She would have no part of it. Because of this she felt more and more like an outsider.

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